Research areas

  • Corporate finance
  • Financial markets
  • Equilibrium asset pricing
  • Descriptive analytics
  • Predictive analytics
  • Prescriptive analytics
  • Consumer behavior
  • Social marketing
  • Decision science
  • Brand management
  • Digital marketing
  • Sustainable marketing performance
  • Strategy
  • Innovation
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Organizational economics
  • Behavioral economics
  • Lab and field experiments
  • Family businesses
  • Diversity
  • Leadership
  • Internal management and control systems in companies and municipalities
  • Incentive and reward systems
  • Sustainability reporting and sustainability controlling
  • Corporate governance
  • Financial reporting
  • Performance measurement systems
  • IT sourcing and platform ecosystems
  • Digital transformation and innovation
  • Data science and online social interactions
  • E-business, e-government and online marketing
  • Digital transformation and digital value creation